Cover für Topics in Mathematics for the 9th Grade
Topics in Mathematics for the 9th Grade
Creation + Discovery Mathematics, Band 1

based on teaching practices in Waldorf Schools

inclusive IVA
Nr. de artículo: 1277
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Información de título

Primera edición: 
Edición: 2. Edicion, 2020 (ePDF)
Editora: Pädagogische Forschungsstelle Kassel
Serie: Creation + Discovery Mathematics
Volúmen: 1
Publicado por  
Autor(as)(es): ,,,,,,,
Nr. de páginas: 224 Seiten
Formato (An x Al): 16,7 x 23,9 cm

Seguridad de los productos  


Este libro está solo en inglés, por lo que la describtión no está traducida.
The »green« books of the series Mathematics for the High School were specifically designed with the math teacher in mind. Not only are they a useful resource for gaining familiarity with teaching in a Waldorf school, but they are also a source of inspiration – offering fresh perspectives and new insights into courses that have perhaps been taught many times. For the beginning teacher, the contributions- all of which have been tried and tested - can serve as a guide for the first steps in classroom instruction. Interspersed with more technical mathematical treatments, this volume presents primarily example-based articles which attempt to illuminate concrete teaching practice along with its methodological didactic implications.
Topics of the articles include:
  • Conic Sections
  • Geometric Loci
  • Plane Figures
  • Arithmetic and Algebra
  • The Irrational in Algebra and Geometry

Sobre los Autores

Arnold Bernhard
geboren am 31.08.1926 in Winterthur/Schweiz, hat 25 Jahre an Ober- und Mittelstufe der Rudolf Steiner Schule in Basel unterrichtet. Viele Jahre war er in der Lehrerbildung, insbesondere am Seminar für Waldorfpädagogik in Stuttgart wie auch in anderen Lehr- und...

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