Cover für Friendship by the sea - Workbook
Friendship by the sea - Workbook
inclusive IVA
ISBN: 9783939374787
Nr. de artículo: 1752
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Primera edición: 
Edición: 1. , 2025 (Grapado)
Editora: Pädagogische Forschungsstelle Stuttgart
Peso: 235 g
Nr. de páginas: 56 Seiten
Formato (An x Al): 21 x 29,7 cm
Cantidad disponible: 4050

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The workbook is written entirely in English and offers a variety of tasks which invite the pupils to engage with the story told in the reader as well as with the language in various creative ways. Most tasks are formulated in an open way which allows for different answers at various levels in order to support differentiated learning.
The tasks are designed to help students understand the story, build up vocabulary, engage in conversation with classmates, practice language structures, take the story off the page, develop language confidence, use the language in creative writing exercises, engage with the story and thereby deepen their language skills.
The workbook supports communicative, pupil orientated teaching based on creative processes and thus is fostering sustainable language learning.

Sobre los Autores

geboren in Norddeutschland. Seit über 20 Jahren unterrichtet sie Englisch und Biologie mit großer Begeisterung an Waldorfschulen. Ihr Ziel ist es, einen Raum zu schaffen, in dem Kinder und Jugendliche gesund aufwachsen, die Natur und die Umwelt lieben und sich für andere...

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