Cover für Friendship by the sea - Reader
Friendship by the sea - Reader
inclusive IVA
ISBN: 9783939374794
Nr. de artículo: 1753
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Información de título

Primera edición: 
Edición: 1. edición revisada, 2023 (Grapado)
Editora: Pädagogische Forschungsstelle Stuttgart
Peso: 132 g
Nr. de páginas: 68 Seiten
Formato (An x Al): 14,8 x 21 x 0,4 cm
Cantidad disponible: 1703

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Este lectura está escrito en inglés. Por lo tanto, su descripción no se ha traducido.
Isn‘t it terribly old-fashioned to write letters and send them by snail mail these days?
Maybe, but two Waldorf classes 7, one in the North of England and one in the North of Germany are led into a pen-pal project because their teachers find it worthwhile to try. After having written letters to each other for several months, Laura and David get the chance to spend their holidays together. Together with David‘s two sisters and little brother, they stay with the children’s grandparents in a little town on the English south coast. While exploring the surrounding with its high cliffs and pebble beaches, the children discover a frightened girl hiding in a cave…
Naturally, the children want to help, but what is the right thing to do when you find a refugee who is afraid of the police and terrified by the thought of being sent back to Syria?
The story is written for children in class 7 but might also be read in class 8.

Sobre los Autores

geboren in Norddeutschland. Seit über 20 Jahren unterrichtet sie Englisch und Biologie mit großer Begeisterung an Waldorfschulen. Ihr Ziel ist es, einen Raum zu schaffen, in dem Kinder und Jugendliche gesund aufwachsen, die Natur und die Umwelt lieben und sich für andere...

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