Короткие рассказы III
«Короткие рассказы III», для 7-8 класса. Составитель Наталия Плоткина, иллюстрации Дмитрия Величко, оформление обложки Паулине Франц.
Эта книга задумывалась и как продолжение сборника «Короткие рассказы II», и как его альтернатива. В неё включены рассказы Виктора Драгунского «Если бы....

Russian reading books, readers

ISBN: 9783940606396
Item no.: 1540
This book, which is only available in Russian, was conceived for foreign language teaching in Germany, and it therefore contains vocabulary lists with a translation into German.
 Diese Erzählung aus Puschkins Zyklus "Belkins ...
Available for immediate dispatch

Репка. Теремок
ISBN: 9783944911328
Item no.: 1647
This book is only available in Russian, and the description of it is therefore not translated.
Русские народные сказки «Репка» и «Теремок», знакомые многим детям уже с первого класса, предлагаются в этой книге для обучения младшеклассников...
Available for immediate dispatch

Три медведя
ISBN: 9783944911304
Item no.: 1643
This book is only available in Russian, and the description of it is therefore not translated.
Книга «Три медведя», включающая помимо одноимённой сказки Л. Толстого шутливый рассказ В. Сутеева «Капризная кошка», знакомит учеников младших...
Available for immediate dispatch

Russische Kurzgeschichten, Band 1
Короткие рассказы I
ISBN: 9783944911434
Item no.: 1600
This book, which is only available in Russian, was conceived for foreign language teaching in Germany, and it therefore contains vocabulary lists with a translation into German
Dieser Erzählband für die sechste Klasse enthält viele ...
Available for immediate dispatch

Ночевала тучка золотая
ISBN: 9783940606389
Item no.: 1556
This book, which is only available in Russian, was conceived for foreign language teaching in Germany, and it therefore contains vocabulary lists with a translation into German.
This book is suitable for grade 9 to 12.
Available for immediate dispatch

Крутой маршрут
ISBN: 9783940606365
Item no.: 1555
This book, which is only available in Russian, was conceived for foreign language teaching in Germany, and it therefore contains vocabulary lists with a translation into German.
Eines der berühmtesten Werke über die Stalinzeit und die...
Available for immediate dispatch

ISBN: 9783940606372
Item no.: 1557
This book, which is only available in Russian, was conceived for foreign language teaching in Germany, and it therefore contains vocabulary lists with a translation into German.
Dieser Kurzroman beschreibt das russische Exil im Berlin der...
Available for immediate dispatch

Весёлые истории о животных и о детях - Книга для 5 класса
ISBN: 9783940606921
Item no.: 1599
This book, which is only available in Russian, was conceived for foreign language teaching in Germany, and it therefore contains vocabulary lists with a translation into German.
 Dieser kleine Band mit russischen Kinder- und...
Available for immediate dispatch

Russische Kurzgeschichten, Band 2
Короткие рассказы II
ISBN: 9783944911229
Item no.: 1638
This book, which is only available in Russian, was conceived for foreign language teaching in Germany, and it therefore contains vocabulary lists with a translation into German
«Короткие рассказы II», для 7-8 класса. Составитель Наталия...
Available for immediate dispatch

Вера, Надежда, Любовь или Алые паруса
ISBN: 9783940606914
Item no.: 1595
This book, which is only available in Russian, was conceived for foreign language teaching in Germany, and it therefore contains vocabulary lists with a translation into German
Главный акцент в этой книге сделан на поэтапном знакомстве...
soft cover
Not currently available

Russische Kurzgeschichten, Band 3
Короткие рассказы III
ISBN: 9783944911236
Item no.: 1639
This book, which is only available in Russian, was conceived for foreign language teaching in Germany, and it therefore contains vocabulary lists with a translation into German
«Короткие рассказы III», для 7-8 класса. Составитель Наталия...
Available for immediate dispatch

Жизнь и творчество А.С. Пушкина
Item no.: 600054
This book, which is only available in Russian, was conceived for foreign language teaching in Germany, and it therefore contains vocabulary lists with a translation into German

Dieses Buch führt in die Biographie des großen russischen Dichters und seiner Zeit ein. Die...
Available for immediate dispatch

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