foreign languages

Friendship by the sea, Band 2
ISBN: 9783939374787
Item no.: 1752
The corrected reprint (to be published in February 2025) can be used in conjunction with the original edition published in 2020.
The workbook is written entirely in English and offers a variety of tasks which invite the pupils to engage with...
Not currently available

Item no.: 600063
This book, which is only available in English, was conceived for foreign language teaching in Germany. It thus contains vocabulary lists with a translation into German.
A reader for "cultural studies" about social conditions in England at ...
soft cover
Available for immediate dispatch

Activities, Songs and Rhymes for Classes 1 - 3 Writing and Reading Exercises for Class 4
ISBN: 9789638803436
Item no.: 1840
Drawing on more than four decades of teaching, Alec's book offers EFL/ESL teachers a valuable collection of material for grades 1-4, along with helpful methodological suggestions as to how to put it into practice. His concept of how a full immersion in the sounds and structures of English in...
soft cover
Available for immediate dispatch

A Hands-On Approach to the Waldorf Way
ISBN: 9783989570252
Item no.: 1759
Prof. Dr. Christoph Jaffke, founder of the series Materials for Language Teaching at Steiner Waldorf Schools, has written a manual for the language teachers of the lower school. Although the book is in English, the theoretical insights offered by the author, and his methodical advice - based...
spiral bound
Available for immediate dispatch

Available for immediate dispatch

ISBN: 9783944911403
Item no.: 1655
This book, which is only available in English, was conceived for foreign language teaching in Germany, and it therefore contains vocabulary lists with a translation into German.
This practice book accompanies the new reader "Outlaw: Robin of...
Available for immediate dispatch

Bewegung - Sprache(n) - Schrift, Band 3
Impulse aus der Waldorfpädagogik
ISBN: 9783949267932
Item no.: 1809
This book is available in German only. Thus its description is not translated.
Fremdsprachenunterricht kann künstlerisch sein! In diesem Band sind Anregungen für das Unterrichten mit musikalischen, zeichnerischen, dramatischen und...
soft cover
Available for immediate dispatch

An English Folk Tale
Item no.: 600048
This little booklet has every quality it takes to be a suitable reader for Class 4 or 5.
The story of Simple Simon may well have been one that children loved to hear in the years of oral work, they may even have acted it and have found their favourite incidents....
Available for immediate dispatch

Ghosts at the Castle, Band 1
ISBN: 9783944911731
Item no.: 600052
This book, which is only available in English, was conceived for foreign language teaching in Germany, and it therefore contains vocabulary lists with a translation into German.
Materials for language teaching at Rudolf Steiner...
Available for immediate dispatch

Nelson Mandela
ISBN: 9783989570085
Item no.: 600075
This book, which is only available in English, was conceived for foreign language teaching in Germany, and it therefore contains vocabulary lists with a translation into German.
The vivid and often dramatic memoirs of one of the great moral...
Available for immediate dispatch

ISBN: 9783949267741
Item no.: 1799
This book is available in German only. Thus its description is not translated.
Wie können Fremdsprachenlehrer:innen der doppelten Gefahr entkommen, entweder dozierend, über die Köpfe ihrer Schüler:innen hinweg zu unterrichten oder ...
soft cover
Available for immediate dispatch

With Techniques and Materials for age 4 - 10
ISBN: 9789631278705
Item no.: 1656
This book, which is only available in English, was conceived for foreign language teaching in Germany, and it therefore contains vocabulary lists with a translation into German
"It' s amazing how fast five-to-nine-year-olds can learn a...
soft cover
Available for immediate dispatch

Materials for language teaching at Rudolf Steiner (Waldorf) Schools
ISBN: 9783949267819
Item no.: 600043
Many experienced teachers see this classic as an almost ideal first reader. Its seven stories have been favourites of generations of English-speaking children around the world. Between its first appearance in 1922 and the first Waldorf edition in the 1990s, The Pancake was reprinted over...
Available for immediate dispatch

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