Cover für The King’s Bread
The King’s Bread

and other stories

inklusive MwSt.
ISBN: 9783944911984
Artikelnr: 1675
Sofort lieferbar*


Auflage: 1. Auflage, 2018 (Klammerheftung)
Verlag: Pädagogische Forschungsstelle Stuttgart
Herausgegeben von ,
Autor(en): ,
Gewicht: 160 g
Umfang: 80 Seiten
Format (B x H x D): 14,8 x 21 x 0,5 cm
Lagerbestand: 1088



This new collection for Early Readers brings together four classic folk tales:
  • The Giant Turnip
  • Goldilocks and the Three Bears
  • Stone Soup
  • The King’s Bread
The stories are retold in simple but interesting English — lots of repetition, but with enough small variations to keep young readers’ attention! Several tales are presented both as stories and plays, offering extra variety in class.
Word lists and a broad range of exercises for first oral use, together with many ‘how-to’ hints for teachers,
round off the collection, which ends with the usual list of irregular verbs.
    • A selection of sample pages is available for viewing: click on “Leseprobe” above.

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