Cover für Teaching Youngsters English
Teaching Youngsters English

With Techniques and Materials for age 4 - 10

inklusive MwSt.
ISBN: 9789631278705
Artikelnr: 1656
Sofort lieferbar*
Kostenloser Versand innerhalb Deutschlands


Auflage: 2. unveränderter Nachdruck, 2023 (Softcover)
Verlag: Pädagogische Forschungsstelle Stuttgart
Gewicht: 288 g
Umfang: 72 Seiten
Format (B x H x D): 21 x 29,7 x 0,5 cm
Lagerbestand: 61



"It' s amazing how fast five-to-nine-year-olds can learn a secon language if given the right inputs and a playful enviroment. By using traditional hands-on action rhymes, finger plays, singing games, conversational eschanges, counting-out rhymes, tongue-twisters, stories and little play scenes we can improve language teaching in the first few years without electronic media." Alec Templeton  "This book is recommended to both new and experienced English Teachers. I wish I had this collection of materials and ideas earlier in my foreign language teaching carreer!" M. Hevesi, Steiner school language teacher and publisher  "Based on the author' s own extensive and innovative teaching practice, this book offers a broad range of highly stimulating and practical resources for language teaching. It will prove invaluable for all EFL teachers." Dr. Peter Lutzker, Steiner/Waldorf school language teacher and teacher trainer

Über die Autor:innen

Alec Templeton (born in Ealing Middlesex, GB in 1948) started his teaching career in 1972. Ever since, he has been active as an English teacher in various Waldorf schools and at the Leonhard Gymnasium in Basel. He holds his teacher training courses in Germany, Estonia, Sweden, Switzerland,...

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