Cover für Little House on the Prairie
Little House on the Prairie
inklusive MwSt.
ISBN: 9783944911021
Artikelnr: 600014
Sofort lieferbar*


Auflage: 3. Auflage, 2013 (Softcover)
Verlag: Pädagogische Forschungsstelle Stuttgart
Herausgegeben von 
Gewicht: 101 g
Umfang: 112 Seiten
Format (B x H x D): 14,8 x 21 x 0,6 cm
Lagerbestand: 4750



A reader for Class 8, Little House on the Prairie is a classic tale of pioneer life on the American frontier in the 1870s, based on the real-life adventures of the author and her family. The text selected for this new version has been abridged, but not simplified, and the extensive vocabulary should enable good classes to progress fairly fast. The story is illustrated throughout in black-andwhite with Garth Williams’ classic pictures. Little House on the Prairie has been known and loved by countless people the world over since ist first appearance in 1935. It is a true American classic.
Vocabulary & Exercises
The Work Section comprises two separate vocabularies – Thematic and Page by Page – and over ahundred exercises, offering practice with question words, tense-changing, forming questions,negatives and normal statements in different tenses, vocabulary-work, comprehension exercises ondifferent levels and simple guided writing. There is material for very varied ability levels, from weakpupils to fast and confident learners.
The teacher is provided with background notes on the author, her family and the Little House books. A List of English Irregular Verbs rounds off this new reader.
Ideas on How to Use the Exercises— PLUS All the Exercises as
Individual Worksheets
As an added help for lesson preparation, teachers can download a PDF-file of all the book’sexercises, formatted as individual single-page worksheets. These can be printed out andcopied freely as and when needed, for use as homework, class practice, revision work ortests. These are prefaced by an introductory collection of many practical ideas on using theexercises in class.
The Story In Brief:
“When you can see the smoke from your neighbor’s fire, it’s time to move. “The Big Woods of Wisconsin are getting crowded, so the Ingalls family are moving west to theprairie. They load up their covered wagon at the end of winter, cross the Mississippi and head south.A long, difficult journey finally takes them to the endless grasslands of Kansas, where Pa builds a logcabin and a stable and digs a well, then starts to farm the land. The family meet cowboys and survivea prairie fire, but this new life comes to a sudden end when the area is made an Indian reservation,and the Ingalls family once more pack their things and leave.
Little House on the Prairie is is the third book in the award-winning LITTLE HOUSE series.


Little House on the Prairie - Ideas and Worksheets
• Alle Übungen des Buches als einzelne Arbeitsblätter formatiert. • Mit vielen praktischen Hinweisen zur Verwendung in der Klasse. • 111 Seiten

Über die Herausgeber:innen

Der britische Waldorflehrer publiziert, neben seiner Unterrichtstätigkeit in Engelberg, Lektüren und Workbooks für den Englischunterricht. Außerdem inszenierte er zahlreiche englische Klassenspiele.

Geboren in London; Studium in Cambridge und Emerson College (Großbritannien).

Seit 1972 an der FWS Engelberg als Sprachlehrer für Klassen 1–12 sowie alle Abschlussklassen.

Zahlreiche englische Klassenspiele in Unter-, Mittel- und Oberstufe, darunter The Wedding at Ghostmoor Castle, Macbeth, Animal Farm, A Christmas Carol sowie die Operette HMS Pinafore von Gilbert and Sullivan....

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