
Auflage: 3. unveränderter Nachdruck, 2017 (Klammerheftung)
Verlag: Pädagogische Forschungsstelle Stuttgart
Herausgegeben von 
Gewicht: 150 g
Umfang: 97 Seiten
Format (B x H x D): 14,8 x 21 x 0,4 cm
Lagerbestand: 1214



Materials for language teaching at Rudolf Steiner (Waldorf) Schools This new edition of the classic American Little House … series offers a shortened (but otherwise unaltered) selection of the original text – the true and exciting story of a family living in the Wisconsin woods in the 1860s. It vividly captures the best of the American pioneer spirit. – The text selection is the same as in the previous edition, but the new version also contains a very extensive vocabulary (both thematic and page-by-page), with English examples/definitions and German equivalents throughout) as well as a huge selection of over a 1000 questions and exercises, all firmly text-based, from which teachers can choose according to the needs of their class. The material ranges from simple comprehension and content questions, to tense-changing, word order, sentence-building, vocabulary, question-forming and retellings. – Pioneer recipes and a list of English Irregular Verbs are included, while a Would You Like to Know … ? section gives some basic historical and literary background to the text, concluding with contact addresses in America and a short list of internet resources for those wishing to do their own research. The classic black-and-white illustrations by Garth Williams complement the text perfectly. – For Classes 6 to 8.

Über die Herausgeber:innen

Der britische Waldorflehrer publiziert, neben seiner Unterrichtstätigkeit in Engelberg, Lektüren und Workbooks für den Englischunterricht. Außerdem inszenierte er zahlreiche englische Klassenspiele.

Geboren in London; Studium in Cambridge und Emerson College (Großbritannien).

Seit 1972 an der FWS Engelberg als Sprachlehrer für Klassen 1–12 sowie alle Abschlussklassen.

Zahlreiche englische Klassenspiele in Unter-, Mittel- und Oberstufe, darunter The Wedding at Ghostmoor Castle, Macbeth, Animal Farm, A Christmas Carol sowie die Operette HMS Pinafore von Gilbert and Sullivan....

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